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  4. 2023年9月入会 VEGA Integration Corporationのご紹介

2023年9月入会 VEGA Integration Corporationのご紹介

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2023年9月入会 VEGA Integration Corporationのご紹介


2023年9月VEGA Integration CorporationがHD-PLCアライアンスに入会いたしました。

新会員:VEGA Integration Corporation

VEGA Integration is an international startup company established on 2017 and is primarily engaged in smart IoT products and power line communication technology integration. The company is committed to provide cost-effective, robust and reliable wired and wireless network systems, smart IoT products including terminals and information services. The company offers complete hardware and software platform for quick product deployment.

We are glad to join the HD-PLC Alliance and to be one of the members because HD-PLC solution will be the most important part of IoT market. Our technical expertise and experience on PLC applications greatly simplify our adoption of HD-PLC to our future smart products thereby, promoting its development., said Gary Lees, CEO and CTO of VEGA Integration Corporation.



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